A Systematic Approach to Secondary Review

Oil Sample Analysis

Labs provide many sample analysis reports each month that must be reviewed and have recommended actions assigned.

Even though oil analysis was performed, it is easy for maintenance actions to “fall through the cracks” and equipment fails, in this type of program.


Track each sample or sample groups through your oil analysis process.


Dive deeper into samples with trend data, sample histories and comments.


Don’t rely on the lab. Set alarm values that are relevant to your needs.


Trend results by equipment type, location or specific test parameters.


Secondary Review


Systematically approach oil sample review by tracking and managing samples, from collection to work order completion.

Provide secondary review to abnormal lab samples and turn results into maintenance actions.

Consolidated Data

Consolidate the workspace for all the your oil sample activities by integrating your lab to present all sample results and point histories.

Provide the link between legacy oil sample identifications and the plant CMMS asset names.

Program Accountability

Allow plant PdM analysts and teams easy access to oil data reports by integrating oil sample management, and condition reporting.

Improve the availability and quality of actionable information to assure completion of recommended action.


Samples Dashboard

Control panel

Track each sample or sample groups through your oil program’s analysis process.

Interactive Reports

Oil report and trend

Dive deeper into samples with trend data, sample histories and comments.

Sample Point Setup

Sample point setup

Add, remove, or edit oil route points, then schedule for sample collection.

Lab Integration

Lab report comments

Stop chasing emails. Lab results populate a single web-based dashboard.

Custom Alarms

Set alarm limits

Don’t rely on the lab. Set alarm values that are relevant to your needs.

Group Trending

Group trend plots

Trend sample results by equipment type, location or specific test parameters.

Automated Assessments

Samples awaiting review

Only see samples that need your attention for secondary review of results.

Historical Data

Historical trend

Don’t lose data. Import all the lab’s historical data for your sample points.


Oilography Manual
Introduction to basic Oilography™ features.
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TANGO™ Integration
This is how Oilography™ integrates with TANGO™.
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Integrate Oil Labs
This is how Oilography™ integrates with oil labs.
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Sample Oilography™ Articles
Something about Oilography™ in an article.
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